The Regional Plan of Adaptation to Climate Change (Regional Climate Adaptation Plan) for Marche Region represents one of the actions defined within the Regional Strategy of Sustainable Development (action B.5.1).
The Climate Adaptation Plan aims at considering the climate situation in the Region, analysing the vulnerabilities related to the main factors and defining the adaptation measures. Some of these measures are intersectoral ones, while others are related to specific sectors.

The Regional Council resolution n. 322 of 13/03/2023 adopted the Regional Plan of Adaptation to Climate Change, in order to start the public consultations.
For what concerns the Strategic Environmental Assessment, the Region organized the following moment of consultations:
- On March 31st, 2022: webinar for the description of the main activities for the Plan definition. The webinar was addressed, among others, to stakeholders that have competencies in environmental matters and to Marche Region public servants who somehow interact with the Plan;
- On February 21st, 2023 workshop (online) and on March 21st, 2024 open info day (in presence and online). During both the events, different institutions’ representatives took part, including academia, professional orders, sites of Community importance managing bodies and public bodies involved in the discussion.
pagina aggiornata al 01/12/2024
data ultima modifica della pagina 02/05/2024