
The Marche Region and the Conference of Peripheral Maritime Regions (CPMR)

The Marche Region is an active member of the Conference of Peripheral Maritime Regions (CPMR), a network that brings together over 160 European coastal and maritime regions. The CPMR represents peripheral maritime regions within European policies, promoting sustainable development, economic and social cohesion, and the protection of the marine and coastal environment. Thanks to its strategic geographical position and maritime vocation, Marche Region significantly contributes to the activities of this important European platform.

Climate Change Working Group of the CPMR

One of the main areas in which the Marche Region plays a leading role within the CPMR concerns climate change. In a global context of increasing attention to environmental challenges, Marche Region, represented by the Environment Councillor, has held the vice-presidency of the Climate Group within the CPMR since September 2023, in collaboration with the Andalusian Region, which holds the presidency. This group is dedicated to promoting policies and initiatives to counter the impacts of climate change on coastal and maritime regions, contributing to the improvement of the resilience of local communities and the protection of marine and coastal ecosystems.

In its role as vice-presidency, Marche Region aims at contributing to the definition of common policies that can reduce risks associated with climate change, improve the resilience of territories and local communities, and encourage more sustainable development in line with the objectives of the European Green Deal. This common goal is pursued through the CPMR's actions aimed at revising the current legislative framework, reorienting EU strategic initiatives, improving the effectiveness of Cohesion Policy, and increasing European financial support for adaptation.

Coordination of the Blue and Green Carbon Subgroup (BAGCAR)

Furthermore, Marche Region is the leader of the internal working subgroup within the CPMR on blue & green carbon (BAGCAR), which focuses on analysing the capacity of ecosystems to capture atmospheric carbon, in order to deepen regional and European perspectives on key challenges and opportunities, facilitating debate, mutual learning, and the exchange of best practices.


For more information, please contact: Massimo Sbriscia (Director of the Energy Sources, Waste, Quarries, and Mines Sector) –

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The future of EU nature-based carbon removals: opportunities and challenges – 3 dicembre 2024, Loggia dei mercanti, Ancona


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